Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 124: Junior Photographers

The kids love to see themselves on the camera preview.  Today I let them click the button, while trying to keep their sticky fingers from touching the lens. (Edited to add other photos from the ‘session’.)

Cooper’s turn.  He’s learned how to hold the camera from me.DSC_5809

My edit (blown in several spots…not up for editing tonight):DSC_5809_edit_wm

Charlotte’s turn.  She likes close up shots like me and needs to work on her limb chopping.DSC_5814

My edit (this still has too much cyan in the photo, but I wasn’t up for really working the editing tonight.)DSC_5814_edit_wm 

Cooper’s turn:

DSC_5805 DSC_5806 DSC_5810

Charlotte’s turn:DSC_5815

(I have a whole series of her feet because she liked to push the buttons so many times.)DSC_5817  DSC_5818 DSC_5819DSC_5820 DSC_5821


Niffer said...

Cute idea! I like how you still edited them but showed how they were before. They're not too bad!

Hurdles of Life said...

they look like they enjoyed themselves!! and charlotte's feet are too cute!!