Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165: Dressing up, undressing, and potty chairs!

I am still working metering with sunlight, a dark house, and my speedlight.  Add to that a color cast from a red fireman hat, and I gave up even trying to edit.  Maybe I’ll send these over to Ashley to see what she can come up with.

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We have been working on practicing getting undressed.  This is part of Charlotte’s occupational therapy to be able to dress and undress herself.  She really struggles with shirts and doesn’t understand how to get her arms  out.DSC_7838_edit_wmDSC_7842_edit_wm

And Cooper was frustrated because he couldn’t figure out how to pull his arm all the way out or how to get it over his head (he needed a button undone).DSC_7835_edit_wm

And getting undressed means they get to use the potty!  We aren’t really putting much effort into potty training, besides offering and allowing them to use it if they ask for it.  I think if we got serious about it and put Cooper in underwear all day he might potty train fairly quickly.  He always goes on the potty or toilet when he asks or sits on it, and he lets us know when he is wet/dirty.  Charlotte doesn’t seem to be quite there and I don’t think I’m fully committed to deal with the mess x2.  Maybe over a long weekend we’ll give it a try and see how it goes. DSC_7843_edit_wm

(The skin tones are all wonky in these because I didn’t spend much time correcting the white balance.  Maybe another time.)


Ashley Sisk said...

These are too cute. Just let me know if you want me to work on them.


adore the potty chair pic