Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 177: Ducks at Central Park

Both the kids were wild today, so I took them to Central Park to attempt to burn some energy.  I’m not sure it did much good, but I at least got some cute photos of them sitting and watching the ducks.  Cooper kept inching forward on this butt, then he found a stick and scared all the ducks away.DSC_8137_edit_wm

Another photo from the same series, but with a vintage edit.DSC_8134_edit_wm

And here’s one straight off the camera, since there are several hotspots I’m not up for editing.  I was attempting to try aperture priority mode again since the kids were so close the water.  I’m just not quite quick enough with changing all my settings yet.  It’s close to being ‘automatic’, but I still have to think about what I need to do.  I’m not able to do that and watch the kids, but I still hate the poor exposures I get in A mode.  I also had my 50mm lens on my camera, and I wasn’t comfortable backing up too far, so I cut their legs off.  All in the name of safety.DSC_8161

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